Birthstone Guide

January- Garnet
Garnet comes many different colors. The name garnet comes from pomegranate, because of the deep red varieties of the gemstone. Garnet is believed to bring a sense of calm when worn.

February- Amethyst
Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz. The Greeks associated the gemstone with Bacchus, the god of wine. It was believed that wearing amethyst would keep the drinker sober. The modern sentiment, that amethyst brings power to the wearer, derives from this sense of being clearheaded.

March- Aquamarine
Aquamarine is the blue to greenish blue variety of the mineral beryl. The name derived from two Latin words “aqua” meaning water, and “marina’ meaning of the sea. It is believed to represent unity.

April- Diamond
Diamond is the hardest of all gemstones. They form deep within the earth and reach the surface through violent volcanic eruptions. Some diamonds are more than three billion years old, which is likely the reason they represent endurance.
May- Emerald
Emerald is among the most valuable gemstones. This green-blue variety of beryl was once believed to heal ailments of the eyes. Colombian emerald mines are legendary and continue to produce the world’s finest emeralds. An emerald always brings joy to the wearer.

June- Pearl
Pearl is different from the other gems because it forms in the soft tissue of a living mollusk. Natural pearls are rare; most pearls are cultured by implanting a bead into the mollusk and letting the mollusk coat the bead with nacre for up to two years before the pearl is harvested. Wearing pearls in believed to bring clarity the mind.

July- Ruby
Ruby is esteemed among gems because of it’s rich red color. The finest examples come from Myanmar (Burma). Rubies were believed to give the wearer strength and courage in battle. They are also considered a source of harmony.

August- Peridot
Peridot is the gem variety of the mineral olivine. The most ancient source of fine peridot is a tiny island in the Red Sea known as Zabargad. Peridot has ben been recovered from meteorites. It is believed to bring purity when worn.

September- Sapphire
Sapphire comes in every color of the rainbow, although blue sapphire is the most popular. Also prized is the rare pink-orange variety known as padparadscha, named after the color of a lotus flower. Sapphire represents loyalty.

October- Opal
Opal may exhibit a spectrum of colors called play-of-color. When this set against a dark background, it is known as black opal. Australia is the source of most of the world’s fine opal. Opal represents hope.
November- Citrine
Citrine is the golden yellow variety of quartz. Most citrine is produced by heating amethyst. Brazil is it’s main source, but it’s also found in many African countries such as: Zambia, Namibia, and Madagascar. Wearers of citrines may experience heightened awareness.

December- Blue Topaz
Blue Topaz is the lovely shade of light blue. Most of the world’s blue topaz are found is Brazil, but a few blue topaz gemstones were discovered in Texas, which makes the blue topaz the state gem of Texas. Blue topaz is associated with wisdom.